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Today it will be two years since you left. Damnit, I know I told you that you had to grow old with me. You never listened.I guess you will forever be young. I will be old and you will always be 32. You will always be the stories I tell at every interview I do. You would be happy to know how many famous people that you have made laugh over 2 years. There will only be one Bob.
The first time I met Bob was the first time I went over to his sister Jessica's house to meet her and hang out. I knocked on the front door, not knowing what to expect. What I certainly didn't expect was a big, muscular man with no shirt on carrying a big-ass sword. I timidly asked "Is Jessica here?" He looked me up and down, grunted, and went to go and get her. We spent the rest of the day hanging out, Jessica and I, and that has over time become 8 years hanging out. At first Bob intimidated me, but as I grew to know him I began to learn what a gentle soul he was. Imaginative, enthusiastic, and always ready for anything. I often played Dungeons and Dragons with Bob in his last few years, and his characters always allowed his inner light to shine through: noble, brave, compassionate, and always on the side of right.

I love to share the memory of us swording fighting in the toy aisle at Walmart. But that really was a number of times. You always were a fun kid and always made me laugh. Sometimes so much that I could not stop laughing. I remember when we were riding to see Jeanna in Fort Campbell and you started meowing to every song and I cracked up laughing. Then Jessica started meowing and you guys had me laughing til I almost couldn't breath. So funny.

I so miss you. I have so many good memories. You were taken from us way too soon. I have met and heard stories about a lot of people's brothers. I have to tell you of all the families and all the brothers in the world, I am so lucky to be stuck with this crazy family and to have had you in my life for 32 years. You had such a spirit and energy. Despite your faults and health issues and that bitch hitting you with the minivan, you were such a good, loving person. Sure, you had your moods but you would never intentionally do anyone wrong and always tried to bring laughter into every situation.


I love you my Bob. And I miss you so very much.

beck beck
bobby loved my bbq almost as much as he loved his mothers meat loaf but not quite but i once explained 2 him that i used 2 work in a bbq place n that after i quit i wasn't allowed back in the place because of a dispute over the fact that it was infact my recipe that he used with a couple of items on his menu wich included the sauce so bob went the n purchased a sandwich n agreed that it was indeed exactly the same as mine so he went up there one more time n purchased alot of food n on the way out he told them that becky would sure enjoy it once he got it home n then laughed the rest of the day about the look on their faces then proceded 2 continue this scenario as often as possible until one day they placed a sign on the door that read we have the right 2 refuse service 2 any one n he was then no longer allowed 2 be in there so he found other people 2 go in 4 him n tell them the same thing until njust about everyone we knew in that area where also not allowed 2 be there but that never bothered anyone cause they all just went 2 my house 2 eat witch bobby also thoroughly enjoyed but i guess that my point 2 all of this is that i will always remember tha no matter what bobby whould stand up 4 me in any circumstance because he was the most loyal person in the world n thats just one of many things i know i will always rsmsmber about him because how could i possibly ever in my right mind forget the most honest n real friend that not only me but the entire world had
look everyone i know that im not a favorite among some of you but everyone that knew bobby knew how he felt 4 me and honestly i felt the same although i was not as sweet as him he knew how i felt and still do the same and even though we were apart 4 many years r feelings never changed and that doesnt happen very often n the memories that i have r enough 2 last a lifetime i look here alot 2 remember bobby n i whould like 2 c more of ur memories from everyone and i know that u r all still looking at this because how can u not n how lets face it there was and nor will there ever be please everyone try 2 share more memries
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