becky |
beckito |
sitting here in all of this gloomy rainy weather my mind keeps wondering back to a better place and time a time full of hopes and dreams a time before i really knew fear at the age of 15 when i first met bobby . when all of the other kids in the home where huddled inside gossiping amongst eachother about the 2 of us saying we where insane .we where without a care in the world if only 4 that brief moment as we where outside togerther holding our bodies close and dancing in the rain .and that became a little tradition with us and even as adoults as we lived in the woods we danced in the rain barefoot on the muddy ground.i do miss that now as i sit under my roof looking out the window alone not going outside because i know its too cold without bobby 2 hold me close .i do have my memories
bobs becky |
Krys |
I was just thinking about you today and remembering all the crazy times we had together. I miss you. When we were little, you played Bill Copperhead's sidekick in our 'wonderful' television show "Bill and Annie" I so wish we had video camera access back then. I was Annie, Jeanna played one of my babies and so did Pete and Sissy. We were so silly. You and Billy were Indiana Jones type characters. What fun we had with that. I am so glad I can share some of that time with the kids. I loved watching you sing and make fun of other songs like you always did. Shh! Shh! I love this song.... before it ever had two notes and you were always right on the money with completely crazy words that made sense together for any song that came on. i cannot hear 'I'm carrying your love with me' without singing "I'm carrying your skull with me.' Every song that says girl always says squirrel. i have actually sang 'My Squirrel" in karaoke.
Oh and remember that time visiting Jeanna in Clarksville that you meowed a song and continuely kept meowing till I laughed so hard I cried. You were great at making me laugh. If I am feeling down, I remember something you did and it makes me laugh. I miss how we would occasionally look at each other and just crack up laughing and both fall in the floor laughing for who knows what reason. Mom must have thought we were crazy. I love you so much and am so happy that my boys have so much of you in them. I see you when I look at Tommy. He is a little meaness too, just like Uncle Bob.
I have no way of understanding why the Lord took you at such a young age. I'll settle for seeing you in my dreams until the day (many, many years from now) that I join you and Daddy in Heaven. I do miss you but I am having way too much fun down here to want to join you until I am too old to have fun.
All my love, your big sis.