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I remember one morning when I was about 16 my mother waking me up saying 'Becky there are some people here and I'm pretty sure they are here for you' so I threw some shoes on and marched down the stairs still half asleep,it was about 6am on a sunday morning.when I got to the front door I could not believe what I was looking at.there where people there alright, all over my front lawn and at first glance I did not  recognize anyone so I proceeded to walk around and investigate.Thats when I saw him. It was Bobby,he told me that when they drove all of the way fom Portland to Clarksville, it was too late at their time of arrival to even think about knocking,so they just crashed out on the lawn for a few hours . I cooked them something to eat and we spent the day together and had a great time.this was just one of many suprise visits from Bobby who always seemed to find some way to clarksville.sometimes he would hitch a ride and sometimes he whould befriend people simply because they had cars that could get him to clarksville.sometimes he would stay at our house for weeks at a time and we loved it .  Bobby started actually staying at my house when  my mom found out that he was hitching rides and crashing at Dunbar cave.I never hitched rides because i was busy working full time and  going to highschool to pay back the phone bills I ran up calling Bobby usually between 6-25.00 dollars a month.We were inseparable. Bobby and I would not let anything stand in the way of what we wanted the most ,eachothe-.I have soo many memories of him over the years but the love we shared was the most memorable thing in my lifetime.He was everything beautiful in the world to me
Ray Dozier
When I first met him, we didn't know how to take each other he was joking  around with me,but I didn't know it and I was taking him serious,but after he got me to laugh we became good friends.Bobby knew how to make you laugh when you were down,and to me that was the best thing about him.I remember a time me,Bobby & Jeremy were going to Bobby's house when he lived in Portland,it rained that day and we were going around a curve (not fast) and we started hydroplaning we done a complete 360 and ended up in someones driveway Backwards,it was like we parked there,we all looked at each other for about 10 seconds then started laughing.But the look on Bobby's face was unforgettable his eyes looked like they were gonna bug out.After we quit laughing Bobby said "Well that was fun,Let's do it again".I don't think I ever heard a cross word said about him the whole time I knew him,he was one in a million and will be missed.
bobby from the first time I met you, we clicked , we where both in a strange place , needing a friend and instantly found each other and became much more , they could not seperate us although they constantly punished us for being too close always yelling   "personal space"   and i will never forget when you told them ....."she doesnt mind she's sharing hers with me"....it used to always make me smile.When we got to go home you became part of my family always finding a way to come see me in Clarksville and for the first time I had sisters and two moms and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world everyone was blessed to have you in their life.You are the best friend anyone could ever have and the most loyal person I have ever known and always accepted everyone for what they  are and you live on in all the natural beauty that i see take care see you again someday.........
Mike Berlin
  Hey. I just wanted to write and tell you and everyone else that I hope the holidays go as best as they can for ya'll. Last xmas we were all still in shock after losing my dad 2 months before. but this year we feel it terribly.
  I want you to know that Bob's journey (i refuse to say he's gone... we both know better. he's storming a castle in a far away land i bet) has really hit my family. my mom and little sister literally thought of him as a family member, as did my dad. in fact the last time i saw my dad in a really good mood was when Bob came to visit him shortly before my dad died. I don't know if i ever told you, but the first time he came over to their house he watched rocky horror with my little sister and they did all the parts perfectly. my mom still talks about how there was some deep connection there. it was so beautiful.
  I'll go for now. just want you to know that of all the people I've ever met or will meet, I'm always going to feel the most proud for having known him. on my own death bed, no matter how uneventful or unsuccessful my life is, I can look back and say "I knew Bob!" and feel fortunate.

Remember that time we got fussed at at Wal-mart for sword fighting with toy swords in the kids aisle. It was late at night, not sure why they cared. That has only been about 6 years ago......


I have so many great memories and a few crazy ones. When we were little, you always had to sleep next to me. Even when you had your own room, you had to push your bed next to mine. I sure love my baby brother. Once, we were jumping between the two beds that were pushed tgether. That was in Arkansas on the mountain. You feel between them and cut your knee open. You were always hurtin yourself. That was kinda crazy.


Also, you had such a big heart. You rescued a turtle when you were riding with Jeramy and then you either forgot about it or couldn't find it in the car. That poor turtle died and stunk up Jeramy's car. He had to rip the carpet out. He was so mad. You had the best intentions. Poor turtle. If it was not for the dead turtle, it would have been funny.


Or that time you asked me to write a poem about cantaloupes and I wrote one. It was a little weird and funny. And the time..... oh there were so many times.


If it was not 2:30 am, I would keep going forever.


I love you.

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