Ricky Spain, my daddy

You were born at Fort Bragg NC when your dad Ricky Spain was in the Army. We moved there in may 1975. you were born Nov 30 1975. He already had 2 sisters, Jeanna,age 4 and Christina,age 3.you were a special little boy, the pride of your daddy and
mommy.You loved to go fishing with your daddy.Anytime he wanted to go you were always ready.
Then there was another sister brought into this world when you were 9 yrs old, Jessica, and she his miracle baby, because he had cancer the yr before and they said there was only a 5% chance that he would father anymore children. Surprise!!
Your Daddy passed away when you were 10 in a boating accident.But is always remembered by everyone who loved him, as a loving, and caring person, who had his wild and crazy side too. That is where you got your fantastic and quick imagination from. If it was a sad song he could make it funny.He was always making some one laugh.

Here he is recieving a Purple Heart when he was in the Marines. He was wounded when he hit a mine in Viet Nam.