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 My husband and I were coming out of the supermarket several years ago when this bouffant blond chick in a miniskirt and cowboy boots hurled herself at me almost knocking me backwards, trying to hug me. Once she pulled back, I saw it wasn't a girl, but Bob dressed in a wig and a skirt. We asked what he was doing, and his response was "Chasing cars."  Before we could ask what he meant, he took off running across the parking lot chasing a car and barking like a dog. That was the last time I saw him. I haven't seen him in quite some time now, but I always figured I'd see him again. Maybe I'd run into him somewhere, his goofy grin on his face, announcing some kind of random trivia fact or an oddball joke as a hello. I'll never forget his sense of humor, his mischieviousness, and his kind heart. Everytime I've heard that Blind Melon song over the years, I've thought of Bob in his bee costume walking around town and it made me smile. Or the time I caught him sitting fully clothed in the bathtub with half a dozen straws taped together, blowing bubbles in the water, making his own version of a jacuzzi...He always made me laugh so hard.
 If there was ever anyone that truly LIVED life, it was Bob.  Most of my fondest childhood memories include him, his family and all of his wacky hijinks...I wish I could have gotten to know the man he had become.

 My love and prayers to you Mom, Krys, Jeanna and Jess.

Bob was the one of a kind. He was always trying to make some one laugh. Even if it was making up his own words to songs or making silly faces while going down the road. He could make complete strangers , friends just with a smile. He was in bad shape when a van hit him several years ago and had his face all torn up and he was sitting in the car waiting for me to come back outside from the store and he was making faces at people in the car next to him. Even when he was in pain he was trying to make others feel better.He was always flirting with the girls too. When he was 6 he had to stay at Children's Hospital in Ark for awhile and go through physical therapy, and he would flex his muscles for the nurses there. They would just grin and say how cute he was.

Ciera Holmes


You are my hero and everytime i think of you i think of the time when i first came around and mom took me with all the family to a chinese place to eat and everytime i took a bite out of my food you would meow and i thought there for a long time that if i ever ate there again it would meow at me but now i'm over it....I also remember the time we were stuck in traffic in nashville with mom and me and you were barking and yelling at cars and makin faces at them it was the best time of my life and i miss you so much.....i just dont want to believe that you are gone but i have to... i love you so much.....



When you were 16 you fell in love with Bechie and always loved her all of these yrs even when you weren't together, You even had her name tattooed on your arm.Then  2 yrs ago when you found each other again. It was like time stopped for you and you were a teen again. So this song is for you both. 


You have always been my baby boy, no matter how big you were or how grown up you thought you were.When you were in your teens you called me Patti instead of mom, because I guess you thought it made you more grown up, but I still was your mom.

You used to play the air guitar to "You make my pants want to get up and dance" when you were only 3.

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