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Life story
November 30, 1975

Bob was born in Ft Bragg North Carolina at the Army hospital there. parents are Richard and Patricia {Allen}Spain.He has 2 older sisters Jeanna and Christina, and 1 younger sister Jessica.He was a happy baby. Always smiling.Always getting into something.


 He was bit by a dog when he was almost 2, he came up on a dog in our yard and hitit in the nose with a pair of Visegrips, while it was eating. It left him with 18 stitches in his head.


When he was 3 we went on a camping trip and he was  fascinated with the boats and the fish. I looked out towards the boat dock and we saw boats floating away with noone in them,I panicked and said where is Bob? we ran to the dock and there he was standing with his arms crossed in front of his chest just laughing away[he had unhooked the ropes somehow on 3 boats.


Then when he was 6 yrs old he had a bone disease in his hips called Leg Perthes. So he had to wear a cast for 6 months, then braces for 1 1/2 yrs on his legs. It didn't slow him down much though.


In 1986 we lost his dad  in a boating accident that Bob,at the age of 10, was also in. He was devastated.He loved his dad very much as did all of his family.

He had several scrapes and near misses through his teen yrs,he had meningitis at the age of 13, was diaganosed with Turets Syndrome when he was 16,Then when he was 23, he was walking home from work one night and a van ran off of the road and hit him.He started having al ot of back pain from that. he tried to work with it anyway, and just made it worse. He was going through physical therapy and facing back surgery. But he almost always had a smile for everyone, even when he was in pain. He loved to make people laugh. He also loved all animals, He was always bringing home stray puppies, cats, turtles, lizards, any kind of animal, he would bring it home.

July 12, 2008
Bob passed away on July 12, 2008 at the age of 32.I got a call from my son-in-law telling me something bad had happened to Bob. I asked him where he was and if I needed to go to the hospital to be with him. He gave the phone to the paramedic and I asked him where my son was, and what hospital he was in. He just bluntly told me"There is no use in going anywhere, ma'am, your son is dead. Just like that, over the phone. We still don't know exactly what happened to him, until the rest of the lab results come back. But he had been feeling bad because of his back problems and some emotional issues, so he went to the dr on wednesday July 9,2008 and he gave him some Zoloft for his depression and some muscle relaxers called Vistra for his back. He went out with some friends and his sister and her husband on friday night, after his sister went home, they stayed up play video games. The next day his friends got up to go to work and left him there on the sofa sleeping. When they came back home later in the evening, he was dead. peacefully still smiling. He is now continuing his fishing trip with his daddy Ricky who died in 1986.
This picture was taken of him at 4:30 am July 12,2008. just hours before he passed away. He liked to do the WWF growl and mean look.
October 5, 2008
they told us that he had an enlarged heart and that was his cause of death. We always knew he had a big heart,