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beckito you are still here August 14, 2009
b0bby , i miss you soo much, sometimes i cant stand it and then  i remind myself that you havent left at all .you are still with me but in a differont realm. for the longest time i had the same dream every single night but one thing never realy made sence ;how come i could never reach you . you are the one person who har loved me the most in life,and you still do . angela told me about the dream that you gave her. i know that it was you because she diddnt know what   bs+bs meant until i explained to her that was going to be on our wedding invites because it whould be both our initials.and you visited me too the verry same night  in a dream about cows , what is the deal with the cows  . you are still trying to make me laughf i swear.   every once in a whiel i will run across something that reminds me of you and all kinds of memories come flooding back and i find myself quite often lost  in thought.please take good care of sugar,she passed away,heart attack,on exactly the same day one year laterthan your death date.but im sure you already know because im sure  she found you.take care and stay sweet my little bobby socks...........love always                                                                                                  beckito  
Christy Pisty My Bob September 14, 2008

I think of you and cry for you everyday. I see something and think 'Oh, Bob would love that. I should get him that for his birthday." But then stop and just get sad. I miss you my Bob. I was working a consignment sale all week and kept seeing bottles, odd lamps and other little Bob things. I even bought a little dancing, singing One-eyed, One-horned flying purple people eater. It reminded me of you. And I found a fake arm, similar to the one you aggravated everyone with. It has a button that makes it's fingers move across the table. I came home and aggravated Jere with just for you. I made it grab her boob because it is what you would have wanted. She screamed, 'Ahh, I didn't think I'd ever see one of those again." I try to scare Tommy with it but he cracked up laughing. And Robby acts more like you than I realized. Lord, help us all. Of course, there will never be another Bob. A songwriter and I are writing you a song. You will like it.    Just know you have a part of everyday of my life. You mean so very much to me and I miss you terribly.


Bobalouie, I'll Love you always. Your sis, Christy Pisty   Chinny Chin Chin

mike talking to you September 14, 2008
I hate knowing that this is the only way I have to say anything to you. I'm not sure if you know it or not, but I sit outside every night,look up at the sky, and talk to you about everything. I talk to my dad, too, but the night has always been for you and I. My nights spent in the woods with you, or just sitting in your garage or on your front steps, are among the best memories in my heart. You were the best of the best, a king among the wretched, and my brother. Life just sucks without you in it, man. the last time we talked I told you to not let things get you down and that just knowing you were alive made this crappy planet worth living on. I meant that, man. This world just feels like an abandoned carnival now. I miss you more than anyone will ever know. Say hi to my daddy and my dog if you can.. I miss them too. Losing all three of you in a ten month span was hard, but I know death will be a great reunion.
robby spirit August 28, 2008

bob's spirit remains on earth.he was at the couch burning.there was ecto-plasm in a picture.he keeps showing up in my dreams.he is not gone.

Julie My Heart August 5, 2008
He never even had to try and he had a piece of my heart.  That precious little smile when I met him as a little boy, that mischievious little grin as an adult.  David and I could look at him and see Ricky.  Not that he was exactly like him, but that he carried some of the qualities in him that made Ricky so endearing.  We hope you know that you all our in our hearts, on our minds and in our prayers.  We love you.  Bob, not goodbye, but see you later.
Mike Berlin magical August 5, 2008
 I love him like few could understand. he was so special to me, the only other person i've ever known who refused to grow up in the heart. i feel so damn alone without him. but i tell you one thing... the service was so utterly touching. i can't imagine the pride you must feel on top of the sadness. pride in knowing that Bob pretty much had the same impact on people that an angel would have. such light and laughter. always trying to cause positive things and feelings. i will go to my own grave swearing that he couldn't have been just flesh and blood, you know? he was magic.
remember... i'm here if you need me.

Renee Berlin Sorry August 4, 2008

I am Mike Berlin's sister and I didn't know Bob as well as most of the other people who will be adding their condolences, but I thought he was an awesome person. Mike has talked about his adventures with Bob so much that I realized what a special person he was.  I know Mike loves him like a brother and my parents and Kayleigh think the world of him.  He was a very special and unique person to be able to capture so many hearts in his short lifetime. 

I hope you all are doing ok and I am really, really sorry that this happened. 

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